What is Battle of the Books?

Battle of the Books is an optional independent reading program offered to 4th and 5th grade students. In the fall, students wanting to participate in the program form teams of four. They are required to read a list of twenty books and be prepared to identify the title and author of each book based on questions or statements that will be presented to them in competition format. The teams build up points in the first two rounds by answering the questions in a non-competitive format. The four teams with the highest amount of points go on to "battle" each other for the championship.

During the school competition, teams are given 10 questions and earn 10 points for the correct title and 5 points for the correct author. A bonus question is worth 20 points.

The Dean-Olson -Westwood Interschool Battle of the Books is a competition between the all school winners from Dean, Olson, and Westwood. This competition takes place in the spring. Teams are given 20 questions. The winner of this competition receives a traveling trophy for the school to display throughout the year.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Let's Get Started!!!!

We have introduced you to the new 2014 Battle Books so now we want to know a little about your team.  What is your team name? (We do not want to know the names of the team members just the team name.)